mercredi 2 avril 2014

DIY macro for a camera phone

Forgive me if this has been posted before.

I discovered a way to hack a pretty decent magnification onto most (if not all) phone cameras. If you have a dead or unused CD/DVD drive laying around pull out your screw driver and pull out the tiny little magnifying lens in it. The one I destroyed was from a laptop so I happened to find some rubber O rings (think screw shocks or bumpers) that perfectly fit the little magnifying lens. I put the lens inside the rubber O ring and use a rubber band (or 2) to hold it over my phone's camera lens and VIOLA!!! instant macro lens.

Focus seems to be about 3/4 to 1" and it's a VERY tight focal point.

Here's a pic from my phone without (note focus is on the mini starfish):

Here it is with just the DVD lens in front of it:

Here's more:

Snail eggs:

Green coralline algae on my glass:

Bristle star in my sand/rock:

Bristle worm:

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