samedi 4 novembre 2017

cal reactor

Hi all, Ive been away for some time as I was in and out of the hobby, at least in the hardcore sense. So I have a 93 gal corner with a ~30 gal sump, Reef breeders skimmer w/30 watt controller, SPS dominant tank. Live stock is a 6 line, scopas tang, clark clown, green chromis, and a purple firefish.
I am having trouble keeping up with alk and calcium as my sps have really taken off. I have multiple colonies on green and Purple Monti Cap, Green branching montis, Several (80 heads) of purple stylophora and several varities of smaller Acro colonies recently added including Bonsai, Tort, Red planet etc....I think it is time for a reactor as I cannot really keep up using kalk and Reef builder alone and I am looking for equipment suggestions.

The following levels are accurate even with my dosing of Kalk, Liquid Mag and sea chem reef builder:
Calcium levels; ~350 (API), Mag-1175 (Elos), pH- 8.2 to 8.4, Alk 6.5 DkH. Phosphates, Nitrates, nitrates all 0 using API so probably some trace readings possible but likely insignificant.

I am looking to not break the bank but yet get a quality unit and it seems that many people "build" their unit using different components. I would like it to be as simple as possible and not running around to find the right valve, chamber, check valve etc...I can do around 500....Thoughts?

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