lundi 27 novembre 2017

digital nitrate test

Sup guys!,
So i'm finally getting my tank cleared from my first algae outbreak which lasted a little over a week and was kinda a bit*h to clean up. Anyways I test my tank about once a week for pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate (once before my water change and again after). I check my nitrate 2 times because everything is always 0 beside the nitrate so i like to see what it is at after a water change so make sure its between 2-7 (i keep all softies and 2 clownfish so no need for it to be 0). But considering how my outbreak seemed to came out of no where i'm interested in getting a digital nitrate reader so i can easily check daily. I've done a little looking but haven't found to much for them. Do you guys know about any good quality digital readers for nitrate? Also i plan on getting the hanna phosphate tester cause i'm sure that contributed to the algae out break and its hard to tell when to change the GFO. Thanks for any input and leave a comment on your favorite way to keep your sand bed clear if you'd like.

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