samedi 18 novembre 2017

Looking for lights for my nano 10 gallon invert tank

Hey all, pretty new keeper, not super experienced but I've been very into salt tanks ever since I got one.

I'm running into a single problem though, I want to keep an anemone in my tank but I lack a strong enough light, I learned that the hard way with my coral when I was new, but I'm wiser now.

I'm a fairly poor college student and being in a dorm it's hard to find a light that works for me. I can't hang one on the ceiling and my tank is only 20" long so most 24" LED's don't work. I was looking for cheap LED's that would be good for anemones and soft corals, maybe SPS as well. My hope is to keep it around or maybe under 80$.

I was looking at the Hipargero LED Aquarium Light (around 60$) but wondering and hoping if there were maybe cheaper options I wasn't aware of. Trying to make everything in my tank happy but I'm light on cash. Thanks for any help in advance and sorry for wall of text.

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