dimanche 19 novembre 2017

Mahnamahna's 162 gallon Reef

Since my recent move and tank upgrade I thought I should start a new build thread, because going from a 90 gallon to a 162 gallon with (I think) a 40 gallon sump means I can get a lot more goodies in the tank! :D

Okay, wavy dreamy lines as we go back in time. :nuts: I used to have a beautiful 90 gallon FOWLR tank many moons ago back when my kids were just babies. I loved that tank, but with 2 small kids I couldn't keep it up, so I had to dismantle it. It was such a sad day for me. Something like 15 years goes by and I was ready to have another tank again. I got a 55 gallon and started again. That 55 gallon started off with the infamous Chicken (3 striped damsel) and the Yellow Watchman goby. Eventually I upgraded to a 90 gallon again, added more fish, and started reefing. The 90 gallon was going well but I went into a holding pattern for a couple years with that tank, not adding much, because we were planning on moving. With my move I was also going to upgrade.

We have sold our old house and bought our new house, and I upgraded! :blob: I ended up upgrading to a much bigger thank than I had planned. I had hoped for a shorter tank because I'm vertically challenged. :D But I ran across a deal I couldn't turn down with a beautiful gently used custom made 162 gallon with what looks like a 40 gallon sump for half the price I was planning on spending for a fully new setup. :cool:

So here's my new system! I'm still working on stuff, but I'm taking my time. I have the necessities. One thing that I definitely plan on working on is the sump. Right now it's basically a sock filter with a huge protein skimmer. I'd like to have a refugium and possible algae scrubber in it. I also plan on upgrading the lighting eventually to LED lights. I'm not in a huge rush to do that though since I just bought 2 new bulbs for my T5 light LOL! But it's on the list.

So this build thread is mainly going to be the fun stuff! The pretty stuff! The fishies and corals stuff! :D

The 162g started off with:
FISH - Chicken (3 striped damsel), yellow watchman goby, engineer goby, clarkii clown, one spot foxface, yellow tang, and 6 line wrasse.
CORAL - 2 small kenya trees, toadstool, and Duncan.

162g Upgrade

Unfortunately I've got some green hair algae going because my parents put their unfiltered well water in the tank while they were housing it before I was able to move everything to my new tank. They were tank sitting for me LOL! I'm hoping that goes away soon.

Yesterday I picked up some new coral. I also rearranged the rock some. I really need to get more rock LOL!

NEW CORAL - Sour Apple Birdsnest, Red Digi, Frogspawn, and Pink Zoas.

Everything is looking good so far. The Red Digi hasn't opened up yet though. Everything else took to the tank right away. Opened up nicely with pretty color. I'm hoping the red digi decides to be happy soon. Crossing fingers!

162g Upgrade

162g Upgrade
Left rock island

162g Upgrade
Right rock island

162g Upgrade
Sour Apple Birdsnest

162g Upgrade
A good picture of Chicken :D

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