lundi 20 novembre 2017

Please, I need help. I cleaned my tank today and I don't know what I did but the fis

Little better than usual cleanup today on my aquarium. Check out about 6 gallons of water. Scrub the sides of the tank and brushed off the rocks. Cleaned up the Deitris on the bottom. I refilled my aquarium with my usual amount of salt water. I noticed not long after of my red flame Angel in a cave gasping and lying on its side in the other fish were not acting well either. I tested my water with my glass hydrometer just before this all happened. I can't find a crack in it anywhere. But I did notice that the paper inside looks like it's wet it's sticking to the glass. I did a massive water change change my carbon filter things are looking better but they're still not back to normal. Could my hydrometer have poisond my tank? I didn't think it was reading correctly usually reads at the second green line from the top and it was only reading at the first greenline the top even though I put the same amount of salt in. I don't know what to do I really need help.

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