dimanche 19 novembre 2017

PO4 high on Triton, low with Hanna

My triton test results were a bit surprising to say the least...

yes, that 1.395 PPM of PO4!

so i re-tested it myself

that's 10 PPB of phosphorus on the Hanna checker.
which is 0.031 PPM of PO4 according to their conversion table.

i don't seem to have an algae problem, so i'm assuming that i don't have that much PO4 in the water that triton reported.

so... i have a theory :) anyone care to share their opinions on this?

i don't have a skimmer on the tank, so the water is full of tiny floaty particles.
could it be that the vials of water sent to Triton had these floaties further decompose during the two weeks it took them to do the test? and resulting in these high levels?


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