mercredi 22 novembre 2017

Cloudy water

Hi all.
I have a 94 gallon corner now front with a sump, UV and Venturi slimmer. About 40 pounds of LR

2 cleaners
About 25 snails
5 peppermints
1 anthias
1 kole tang
5 azure tails
3 blue green chromis
2 clowns
Assorted softies

My water has been really cloudy. The livestock seems fine but my trumpet seems to be dying.
Parameters are normal but my nitrate is a little high around 20. But it always is.

I’ve been doing water changes with my RD/DI water.
I recently vacuumed out my sump which kicked up a lot of crap.

Some places say it’s a bloom or something. I have that red slime antibiotic (yellow powder) that has worked. But I don’t have slime right now. I do have algae on the rocks and sand. Not crazy but some. None on the glass though.

Some places say all the water changes in the world won’t help until the bacteria equalizes.

Any ideas before I toss the tank to the curb?

It’s three years old by the way.

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