samedi 25 novembre 2017

what size of a return pump do i need?

"spec's" 55gal saltwater with a 10gal sump cascade 1000 canister filter w/media also doubles as my return pump 3/4" line in and out. gravity syphon.
home made weir made out of a 4" pipe cut in half. the return line is 3/4" to 1/2" at spray bar "not working like I thought on the spray bar"(also homemade). and a bakpak skimmer
the cascade works, but false every other day or so. It keeps getting air pockets and pumps a ton of micro bubbles into the tank. its pulling the bubbles I think from the sump. I don't see any leaks. so I need to have a sump pump solely doing the work load. :confused:

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