dimanche 5 novembre 2017

Bubble Algea and Hair Algea

Hello all,

We are wanting to get our tank back up and running. We lived in Minneapolis where we had our tank up.
We have a JBT 35 gallon Nano and had live rock, CUC, clown fish, sand sifting gobbie, and a couple of wrasses. Our coral were brain and Zoa's.
We had to move from Minneapolis to Atlanta and decided to take the tank down instead of trying to move the livestock.
Our problem before we took the tank down was a bad case of hair algae and bubble algae. We tried in vain to rid the tank of both by scrubbing the rock and picking the bubble algae off of the rocks with frequent water changes. This was in September of 2015.
The rock has been sitting is a dark cardboard box ever since our move to Atlanta.
I am scared to death that if I just try to start from where we left off in 2015 that I am gonna have the same problem as before.
I have read about "cooking" our live rock and am just not convinced that this process will KILL the hair algae and bubble algae remnants.
I want to take this slow and steady so I don't end up getting frustrated and not enjoy the tank as we did in the beginning.
Please let me know what you all think is the best course of action to take or have some other suggestions / confirmed fixes.

I am also considering just starting over with new live rock.

Thanks for any insight.

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