mardi 7 novembre 2017

Bangai dying of old age.

Bangai Cardinal dying from old age. These fish have a lifespan of only 3 or 4 years, this one maybe 5 years old. Bangai's have one of the shortest lifespans of all fish although some will live longer. His mate died a while ago and they spawned for their entire adult life. He has not eaten in a month (I am not sure if he is drinking) You can see his fins are starting to deteriorate, he is breathing very slow, his scales are not smooth as silk and his top fin is getting shorter. Also, a fish dying of old age shows no signs of disease until later in this process when their immune system starts to mis function. Then he may exhibit spots and the other fish will pick on him. He will find a hole to rest in and the bristleworms will then grab him and it will be all over. I will catch him just before that happens and remove him.
This is the way just about all fish die from old age which probably never happens in the sea.

Here he is with his main squeeze in their younger days.

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