lundi 14 août 2017

Stocking: Ready to throw out the tank

Hi All,

Sorry about the caps and sorry for the longish post. It's frustration coming out. I have posted stocking questions before, but I didn't pull the trigger because I was going out of town. I plan to purchase some stuff tonight.

Question about stocking:

I'm looking to add some stock to my tank.
I have a 94 gallon corner, bow front.
About 75lbs of LR.
6 peppermint shrimp (somehow one of them ended up in the sump and seems ok there)
2 cleaner shrimp
3 blue/green chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
2 ignitus anthias (1 disappeared within the last day or so. It may be dead.)
numerous snails
3 kenya trees, some zoas and a sinularia
I had two birds nests frags that have now bleached. I guess my tank wasn't the right condition for them.

My params are generally within normal limits. Today, they are a little off:
Sal - 1.021
pH - 8.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 30 (usually 0-5, time for a WC)
KH - 9-10
Phospate - 0
Ca - 320

--- By the way, people say you can't kill GSP. I did. Algae overgrew it's rock. And it's all but dead. Shame- I like the stuff. (I use RO/DI, I use PhosBuster, I do WCs (but need to do more).

The tank is more than two years old.

I am interested in getting a Kole Tang, yellow clown goby, sailfin/algae blenny and a talbot damsel (which my research says is rather tame) also. And also some trochus snails for the algae.

I really want to add color. I love the Kole Tangs.
Any thoughts? I really appreciate the input. Thanks in advance.

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