mercredi 16 août 2017

blue/green chromis in bad shape

i picked up 5 blue/green chromis that have been doing really good in my tank for about a week now, one of them had little green checker patterns on his blue scales, his name is now checkers.

checkers has been eating and staying with the school minding his own until today when i came home and saw him doing corkscrew patterns through the water like he had a swim bladder or fin injury. all fins look good except his left fin which wont really extend past his body now, hes breathing heavy and is alive but just cant seem to right himself.

my question is should i be concerned now about his checker pattern? is this something that i should fear for other fish in tank? im going to try and get a picture in a little bit but for now i have him in an old overflow box that i stuck in tank so he isnt getting blown around everywhere from pumps

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