dimanche 20 août 2017

Stocking update - Thoughts?

So I ended up buying:
1 Kole Tang
3 Azure damsels
1 Sailfin/Lawnmower blenny
12 banded trochus snails

All were drip acclimated.
The tang is devouring my algae. He's a total pig. He is very active and relatively docile with the other fish, except:

The tang pushes the blenny out of the way when the blenny is trying to eat. EVEN THOUGH there is enough to go around.

The damsels are very good citizens, although they are small. But my research showed that they are the nicest of the damsels. And they are very pretty.

I think all but two of the snails are dead. I saw the peppermints eating them. So I am not sure if the pepps killed them or ate them after they died.

My big concern is if the tang and the blenny will eventually just leave each other alone. I really don't want a bullying death.

Any thoughts?
(Current populations:
I have a 94 gallon corner, bow front.
About 75lbs of LR.
6 peppermint shrimp (somehow one of them ended up in the sump and seems ok there)
2 cleaner shrimp
3 blue/green chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
2 ignitus anthias (1 disappeared within the last day or so. It may be dead.)
numerous snails
3 kenya trees, some zoas and a sinularia)

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