samedi 19 août 2017

When To Test the Water

Hello all! I'm new to the saltwater community. Just started my tank. It's about 2 months past it's cycle. So far in my tank I have two clownfish, a yellow tang, diamond gob y, and lawnmower blenny, 3 emerald crabs and about 6 hermits and 6 snails. My water test results have been pretty steady so far but the ammonia and nitrate levels were higher than normal today. Not way out of line but they were just a little higher considering they have been consistently at 0 since shortly adding the fish. I tested the water today about a half hour after feeding and my ammonia level was .5ppm and nitrate was at 5ppm. I was concerned and repeatedly retested for the next two hours and at the end, they were right back where they should have been, with a 0 reading for both finally. My question is how long after feeding should i wait to test the water for ammonia and nitrates? I'm guessing they were only high because I had just fed?

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