jeudi 17 août 2017

Help! My tank watcher hella overfed!

I went on a 3 day vacation and left my tank to my roommate who i though could handle one feeding. i usually feed mysis shrimp but to simplify it for them i told them to stick a max of 4 pellets in there for the day.(only have a damsel) i come home to find out that instead of pinching the food and giving it the tried to pour it in and ended up spilling over 100 pellets in and they have just been sitting there! when i got home i siphoned out as much as i could which ended up being a 5 gallon water change. since then there is a huge spike in the tank and i am not sure how to bring it back down. i have added prime to the tank as to maybe reduce the stress on the fish. it has been a couple days since then and the levels are still high. my question big a water change can i do to help deduce these levels. and is there any thing i can add to help this. i was considering adding chemi pure as i have heard good things..

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