mardi 29 août 2017

Ich in reef tank - possibly, Help ? Few questions !

Ok guys so my tank has been doing great the past few months since setting it up .. so much infact that im picking up a aquareef 400 in three weeks which im purchasing second hand, should be great.

so anyway being new i dont QT my fish at this time, risky i know .. but if they were to get ich im pretty sure i could handle it as i have spare return pump, heater & 44 balls of marine pure and live rock rubble in sump which i planned ahead for to setup a HT just incase plus a 88l storage tub ill use for a QT, so anyway i added a miscellaneous blenny which is what he was sold to me as last thursday from further research as far as i can tell its a australian combtooth blenny, anyhow i can see small white spots that have me a tiny bit concerned .. i say only a tiny bit because the blenny is brown with white pattern/small spots at the front which looks pretty uniform but then again it could be ich, im just curious if it is infact ich how long until ill see the other fish with spots ? and/or what would a clear indication be that the tank/fish does indeed have ich ?

im picking up a 1.5" baby blue tang this friday afternoon anyway which i plan to get eating over a week "no treatment" in the temp HT im setting up then slowly bringing copper/cupramine up to half its dose 0.25 over 4 a week QT treatment as alot of people recommend that it will be enough/safer and less stressful on the fish .. so if someone could help me out on what im looking for with the fish in the display i.e. how long until the other fish will show signs if it is indeed ich ?, its already been 5 days and all other fish look fine .. am i past a certain amount of time where i can be certain i dont have it ?, other then small white spots and fish potentially rubbing up against glass/rock anything else ?

i suppose its a good sign the blenny has been quite normal eating well/active no rubbing/no heavy breathing that i can see and perching out in the open, the lfs i go to keeps his fish in a solution of cupramine so i feel pretty confident etc but then again its usually only 2 weeks in between additions of fresh fish from a wholesaler that could bring it in .. im just curious as to what to look out for as i know ich can be fatal and i want to catch it and treat ASAP if this is indeed ich.

thanks for the help guys much appreciated.

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