vendredi 18 août 2017

How to correctly dose 2 part ?

So my tanks been going great lately with lots of new corals, also with my added refugium my nitrates are around .2ppm and phosphates are close to undetectable most of the time and when they get a bit high i use phosphate rx, also using prodibio biokit reef .. and supplementing during the week with aquavitro fuel & brightwell phytoplankton every two days for coral feeding and inverts more specifically getting it into the water column for the porcelain crab ill be adding next week so he can get his fan on :D .. very excited about the crab as there my favourite invert, so anyway my levels have been a little up and down lately .. ive been checking and im noticing a drop of 1 - 2.5 dkh every day .. but the thing thats getting me is im not really seeing a pattern of me losing a set amount of alkalinity each day for the first three days it was the same then things started changing randomly each day up until day 7 now and i still am not seeing a pattern where i can dial in my dosing pump .. now ive done some further reading/research on dosing and if im losing 1ppm of alk a day .. then i should add say 1ml to raise it 1ppm and also add 1ml of calcium "keeping the calcium and alk i add in equal amounts" is that correct ?, so theoretically im adding equal amounts 1ml/1ml .. and checking my calcium every now and again and once it drifts a bit too much add some calcium on its own to bring it back in range then continue on the normal dosing regime adding equal parts ?

Please let me know of im missing something .. or if what im doing is right as i dont want to screw my dosing up .. my levels are good at the moment but a little out .. doing a water change tomorrow to bring them back so i can start fresh with it this week and get it right .. so i can get the kamoer pump setup.

Thanks everyone youve been great so far :)

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