lundi 21 août 2017

should i be dosing bacteria w/ NOPOX?

was reading on some threads about carbon dosing and nitrate control and came across a tip that when carbon dosing sometimes corals can have rapid tissue necrosis from bad bacteria that fuel and bloom off of the carbon source as much as the beneficial bacteria that we try to increase/skim out.

ive been dosing nopox recently for the past 2 weeks or so with good success and everything seems fine with it but all of a sudden one of my chalice frags (a really nice baby blue with pink spots/mouth) started receding in the corner last night and today the tissue necrosis has gone through almost a whole head already. could this be the bad bacteria being fueled? and will dosing beneficial bacteria along with nopox allow the other bacteria to be starved out?

im also reading that at different alkalinity levels different types of bacteria thrive more than others, is there a definitive dkh that nitrosomonas and nitrobacter thrive on?


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