mercredi 23 août 2017

Help me, help a neglected tank! JBJ 45

Alright guys I've got a big project on my hands.

I'll start from the beginning. So I started a JBJ 45 gallon tank for my mom about this time last year. I did it the same way I started my biocube 29, no problems there. Everything was fine until about 6 months ago when I was away at college with out coming home for a while.

I would normally come home ever few weeks and while I was home I would do a water change for the tank, well, that didn't happen for a while and things got bad. My mom loves her tank and still in the condition it is in loves it, I'm just not happy with it. She's got a problem with over feeding too so that doesn't help.

I'm back from college (finally graduated, Thank god) for about a year and really wanna get this tank back in good shape, but I'm unsure of what to do with a tank so far gone. All I have done so far is 2 water changes of about 5 gallon about a week apart from each other.

I was about to check the levels but I can't seem to find all the test equipment I gave here. All I could find was my red sea reef foundation kit. I know this doesn't help much but as soon as I get a new kit/find the old one I will up date.

KH: Meq/L is 3.3 dKH is 8.8
Ca: around 275
Mg: 1100
sal. 1.022
No fish problems, so they can't bee too bad, just tons of algae growth.

Equipment in the tank:
It's got a Kessila 360we with controller over top. An ATO system, to 425 power heads and a jebao rw-4 on the other side of those two. 300 watt heater, two 295 GPH return pumps. Intank media basket with 11 oz chemi pure elite just put in yesterday.

The tank has been take over by algae and bacteria as you can see in the pictures. There is this brown filamentous algae (bacteria?) that is all over the place. I can blow it off the rocks and with in a day it's fully covered again. The water changes are seeming to help it some. Their is also what looks to be bubble algae all over. They are hard and can be flicked of the rocks and float around the tank, they can also be smashed and they pop like.... warm m&ms? I can't think of any other way to describe them. There is a weird redish purple slime on the sand, and lastly there is a little bit of green algae under all the brown filamentous algae. Honestly if we can get it to where their is just green algae I'll be okay with that.


I need a really good game plan for tackling this project. All I really know to do is keep doing water changes. I plan to do one 5 gallon water change a week from here on out for a while. Also I just took out the old filtration and upgraded the return pumps and got the intank media baskets for both sides. During the water changed I try to suck out as much of the brown stuff as I can.

Any other recommendation will be greatly appreciated, also if you need anymore info let me know.

I can take more if need be.

Thanks, Dylan

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