samedi 4 février 2017

29g Stocking

Tank on hand:
29g Standard
1" thick bed of Argonite sand
30# live rock
~700gph flow via various wavemakers
Quad T5HO 30" lights
Media Reactor for Carbon/Phos *when needed

I don't have a sump or a fuge and I will not be adding one mainly because of the space available for my tank along with my tank size. I might add a HOB skimmer down the road depending on how that tank handles. 10-15% water chances weekly happen with RODI water.

I would like to have:
1x Clownfish (haven't decided which)
1x Yellow Watchmen Gobie
1x Royal Gramma Basslet
1x Firefish (maybe 2? Idk.)
1x Coral Banded Shrimp
1x Pistol Shrimp

Obviously adding them as the correct times and order. I will get corals later I haven't decided yet there. I'm not a fan of the CUC but we will see about that down the road.

So thoughts on the stocking? Too much, too little, boring, exciting, other ideas I can switch in an out? Just looking on some feedback.

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