mardi 28 février 2017

Aggresive Clowns??

Hey everyone

I'm looking for some advice for my marine fish only tank. My tank is a 37 inch bow front tank with plenty of hiding spaces through rock and artificial plants. I currently have 2 clown fish in the tank and have tried to add others but they never seem to survive. I have my water tested frequently and do my regular water changes so I have kind of ruled out water quality being the problem. I do however find that any time I bring home new fish they go under the rocks and never come out to eat or anything and I find them dead a few days later. Would it be a possibility that the clowns are keeping the other fish in hiding and if so what would be a good solution. Would it help to section off a small part of the tank for the clowns and allow new fish to get established in the rest of the tank before letting the clowns back in or will I run into the same problem and need to simply get rid of the clowns?

Any help would be really appreciated with this!

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