lundi 27 février 2017

Help on adding a sump to existing tank?

ANY ADVICE is welcomed!

Has anybody ever done this?

I have a 55Gal established tank that has never ran a sump of any kind. Always used HOB skimmers/filters/heaters.

I want to drill my tank with Animal bean setup. I know the process of doing it. BUT has anyone ever done it with an established tank. How long do I have to work on the project? Best way to keep my fish/CuC/Corals alive?

My current thought process is:

1) Build Stand to house the Sump
2) Build the Sump
3) Pre-plan plumbing from the sump up to the tank
4) Take all creatures from display tank and place in a 30 Gal Brute trash can with a power head and heater
5) Place all LR in another Brute with power head.
6) Drill tank then plumb it
7) Run a test for leaks for a few hours with freshwater outside on patio
8) Take everything inside and aqua-scape/re-introduce tank mates.

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