jeudi 23 février 2017

Brown Algae Problems

New to the blog and am Still navigating my way around. I have a 29 gallon bio cube that's been running for 6 months. I run carbon, protein skimmer, and an algae scrubber. About a month ago I had this brown, dusty, algae outbreak. I can easily blow it off with a turkey baster and nothing seems to want to eat it. I do frequent water changes (20% weekly) and my parameters are in check. Zero nitrates, zero phosphate (can't get any algae to grow in my scrubber so I believe it), Ca:400, Mg:1560 (high), dKH: 8. I have two clowns, a firefish, some snails, hermits, and a toadstool coral. No idea what in the world is going on... Very frustrating. I was running gfo and stopped because i thought maybe it was too effective. No change with out it. Any ideas?

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