jeudi 23 février 2017

Banded Coral Shrimp Dilema

Issue: Shrimp is possibly killing my fish.

Has anyone had an issue with their banded coral Shrimp killing its tank mates? I placed in my tank two days ago a male and female Anthias and this Mornjng found the male in the claws of my Shrimp (dead!)

I'm not sure if the Shrimp killed the fish or found him after he died but the fish were new and the female is still fine (so sad as he was so pretty!)

The Shrimp pretty much tries to crab anything that gets near him- I see him snip all the time but I've never actually seen him get a hold of anything... I'm torn on what to do because he's been in my tank for almost two years and is very active- I love watching him stomp around the tank. That being said if he is a potential threat he needs to go as I can't afford to feed him $35 fish lol.


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