mardi 28 février 2017

Is it ok to run only two bulbs in a 4x54 watt ho t5

Ok so I'm having an algae issue in my tank. My nitrates and phosphates got a little higher that optimal. ive been working on getting them down with water changes (new rodi system) and running phosphate remover. Well it's taken longer than expected and I'm try to slow the algae growth. I've cut the ho t5 lighting to only 5hrs a day but I think I'm still getting to much light right now. Can I run my 4x54 ho t5 with only two bulbs in it? Will it over load the other bulbs or will it burn a ballist out? I do know it a single ballist that runs all 4 bulbs. It's a sunblaze fixture. Bulbs are two months old.

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