jeudi 17 septembre 2015

Biocube 29 filtration advice

Hi, all!

I am about 8 weeks into running a Coralife Biocube 29 as a FOWLR setup, about 20 lbs of live rock, 2x azure damsel, 1x watchman goby, 1x mocha clown, clean-up-crew of hermit crabs, snails and a peppermint shrimp (ok, that last is more aptasia control than cleanup, or maybe both, but still...) All inhabitants seem to be thriving (although the goby is a lot shyer than I'd really like, it seems happy with the caves and crevices under the LR), but the nitrates refuse to go down below 40-50 ppm based on my periodic testing. Also I am starting to get a problem with slime algae on the substrate (coarse sand).

I think I should be looking at removing the bioballs, gradually over a week or two so as not to disrupt ammonia/nitrite cycle too abruptly, so that I can replace them with something that will be more effective with the nitrates. But I have a few questions that I think you guys might be able to help with.

But first, some details:

I am doing about 10% weekly water change, still using stock filtration, bioballs and all. Monthly replacement of filter pad and washing out of the sponge block between chambers 2 and 3.

Trying to feed carefully, 1/2 of a frozen misys shrimp block M/W/F, occasional algae sheet or a few pellets in between but not every day.

(I should also mention, I suppose, that this tank was up and running in the LFS and they sold it to me "already cycled" -- although it only had one super-large mantis shrimp in it. I changed all the LR, new substrate, etc. Not sure how long they had been running it)

And now for some questions:

1. Of the various replacements for bioballs, what is your opinion of: Live Rock Rubble, Media Basket + Fuge Basket, foam filter blocks, and/or a small protein skimmer in one of the chambers? I have seen plenty of posts advocating for various combinations, but very little really talking about the pros and cons.

2. After I get the bioballs out, is there a good way for getting all the extra detritus out of that middle chamber short of draining the tank and doing an actual cleanout?

3. Between the fish and the CUC, all food is quickly consumed (well, the chunks of algae sheet take longer) but based on the tank size and inhabitants, am I overfeeding?

Thanks for your time, and really appreciate any advice/suggestions.

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