mardi 24 février 2015

TRT , Cabin Fever, count to 10.

Hey guys and gals.

I'm sure that we [Southern Vermont] haven't had the most severe winter in decades, or the 8' of snow in Boston, or the -40 windchill in Indiana, but we're living the life as it is given us. We've had cummualtive nights of double digit sub-zero, folks on the West Coast have survived ungodly wind and rain; folks in Texas are begging for should catch my drift. This is a tough winter.

I think it's fair to say that for the majority of us, life experience and years has given us the opportunity to invest/enjoy/share our experiences with the facinating world of marine aquaria. Take a moment and think of of the folks who don't even have a home! We've got one with a fish tank!

What I'm getting to is the fact that cabin fever is in full swing. We are spending a lot of time indoors, 'cause it's jtc to be outside. Inherint to this incarceration is frustration and the need to vent, but the venting may not be for the real reason [as stated above.. I left the f out].

OK, so we should all be on the same page now. Let's focus on The Reef Tank.

For many, and this includes me....The Reef Tank is a place where we visit daily. Some of us actually start our day with TRT. It is as good for some as that first cup of coffee to start the day. When you add coffee to TRT, it's really the elixir to what might ail you, really.

That was a segway to the point I'm expressing today.

As many of us, due to cabin fever are close to being on the edge so to speak, we are much more like to fly off the handle, lose it, R U Kidding me, wtf, etc.,

I suggest you take a step back.....count to 50, re-read what you type, especially if the subject might be the least bit controversial, or against your view, and then send it.

Our forum is's unique - trust me I've been North South East and Central....we have a gem here in the TRT forum.

I'm asking you to do your part to be mindful & respectful of your fellow reefers.

If we were all the same, the world would be a pretty boring place. Let's find the good in thought and action here and apply it to our love and dedication to this very special hobby we call Reefing.

Think about what have here!!!!

Spring can't be that far away.


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