jeudi 26 février 2015

Clownfish aggression

I have a 47 gallon reef tank with only two fish; 1 True Percula Clown, 1 Ocellaris Clown. Within the last few days the perc has begun attacking a large Hawaiian Feather Duster worm that is attached to the base rock at the bottom of the tank. They have been in the tank relatively the same amount of time and the fish had shown no interest in the worm until this week, but now he won't leave it alone. He bites at the crown every time it comes out and when the crown is retracted he attacks the tube. I have two theories as to why this might be happening: 1. He's trying to host in the feather duster and gets mad when he retracts. 2. He's trying to claim the territory in the cave-like area where the feather duster lives.

Either way my question is what can I do?

Would adding an anemone for him to host in pull the attention away from the feather duster? My tank is only 4 months old and I'm concerned about adding an anemone to such a young tank.

I've also considered stacking additional rocks over and around the feather duster to protect the tube but I'm afraid the clown will still attack the crown anytime he comes out. If he cannot come out, he cannot eat! He has begun only coming out after lights out, but last night the clown kept waking up periodically to go down and harass him. I cannot move the feather duster he has adhered himself to the base rock.

Alternatively if I remove the bully fish would my other clown become sad/lonely? They've been in the tank the same amount of time and they are bonded. They swim everywhere together, sleep together, etc. However the Ocellaris doesn't bother the feather duster at all.

The feather duster is beautiful. When fully extended he's the size of a small hand. I really don't want to loose him.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated!

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