samedi 28 février 2015

living rock

hi everyone im new to this forum. ive just started a 16 gallon tank about a week ago. so far ive starting cycling and i have about 3kg of live rock in there, i need to get more but its expensive!

i had a dig around and picked out the bits i liked the look of.

basically what i want to know is,

one of he bits of live rock i bought has a lot of blue colour on it covering a good portion of the rock. it looks as if its just the colour of the rock but im not sure what it is if anyone has any idea would be great.

two of the bits of rock i bought have red areas about 1" to 1.5" both look like its something on top of the rock but very thin like no idea what this is either.

lastly i have had it for about a week now and i have seen no signs of life in the rocks is this common or am i being impatient (im a very impatient person).

i will upload pictures of the rocks coloured bits when i get a chance.

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