mercredi 25 février 2015

Starting a sense

So as a lot of you read, I was ready to quit on fish. Well my whining rant is done and over with. My surviving maroon clown is holding onto life and SEEMS to slowly be recovering. And I do mean slowly....

Sad thing is by sticking her in the DT, I've destroyed my 7 of 10 week fallow period in there. But on the bright side, the 8 frags in my coral QT can head over to the DT now since I will have to start over with going fallow anyhow. :dance:

I had taken out most of my rock in my DT to cook since I was having an algae issue. It sat out in my basement for about 2 weeks and dried out quite a bit. I took all of it and stuck it in a rubbermaid tub with a heater and powerhead. After only one day, it stunk to high heaven! I left it in there almost two weeks and went to go change water (yeah should have done it sooner) and the stink was gone and the water was crystal clear where it had been grimy before.

I also had broken down my QT since it had become cloudy and a little grimy for the next set of fish. So all of that equipment was cleaned and stored. I have since added new water to this tank and took the rock out of the rubbermaid and put it in the QT to revive my bacteria. I did put one of my rock structures back in the DT since it appeared all my die off (not much to die off) had occurred. DT is fine in that regard.

I had previously been using just two koralia 1000 GPH powerheads for the QT pointed at the surface for agitation. I went and bought me a 400 GPH HOB with two filter media slots in it. This looks like it will do WAY better at surface agitation and keeping the QT clean. I will empty the carbon once these become live and I need to treat any future fish. I'm still using one of the koralia's mid tank for movement, my tunze ATO and will remove the rock once I'm ready to put a fish back in.

So if this clown makes it, I will fatten her up in the DT and put her back in the QT for treatment. I was against copper before, but I'm reconsidering doing preventive treatment on all future fish along with paraguard. (not at the same time). I still plan to employ TTM and prazipro. I will defeat these nasty diseases until I can fight no more!!!! :angry:

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