jeudi 26 février 2015

calcium and corals

I think I asked this question before but it was a while ago when my brain was overloaded with information!

I have a lot of frags now. Most are thriving and doing really great. I have one mushroom which is changing a bit. I'm not sure if it's starting to just change because it's growing or doing what a mushroom does or if something is wrong with it.

Most things I've read talk about calcium levels.

The guy in the FS sold me some additive but I haven't added it yet because I'm not sure if I trust his word. I hate putting ANYTHING in the tank unless I have to. I'm not sure why this schroom is looking weird but I have 2 others that have almost doubled in size and look amazing!

So all my parameters are good except the calcium according to what I read it should be 380 to 400. It's 300 to 320 Should I add additive?

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