jeudi 26 février 2015

I think I made a mistake! :(

So yesterday I bought a neon dottyback, sight unseen. This is the first time I haven't really researched a fish before I bought it. I ONLY bought it, because my wife was with me, and insisted we bring that fish home, because obviously it's a very pretty fish. I assumed that Orchid Dottybacks were fine, so maybe the neon would be as well.

I get home, and read how it likes to attack inverts, shrimp, crabs, etc. I like crabs, I intended on buying a 100 hermits next week, and I'm assuming now that I have this guy, it will essentially be a buffet for him. Should I get him out ASAP, or see what he does when I add the hermits? If he can be peaceful, then I will be fine. If not.. I need to find a way to get him!

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