mercredi 25 février 2015

Mirror really does help with my aggresive Coral Beauty

I added a Coral Beauty a couple weeks ago and she has been a model citizen.....up until about 4 days ago. She decided to go all seek and destroy on the two firefish. didn't bother any other fish, only the red firefish. I had heard about using a mirror to try and "distract" her, so I decided to give it a try. I got 2 mirrors about 5x3 and put one on each side of the tank(75g) The results were immediate, I had a Coral Beauty that was glued to the glass for about 48 hours. She has now calmed down a little, gone back to grazing on the LR and such, but every time she gets to one side of the tank, she doesn't hesitate to let her reflection know whos boss... all the while....swimming right past the firefish like they aren't even there. I would definitely recommend anybody trying this if they are dealing with an aggressive fish. It may not work for everybody or every fish, but its dirt cheap to try (or free) and has worked wonders for me.

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