samedi 28 février 2015

Help! w/ Octo Reef BH 1000

Greetings guys and gals,

Just got my OR- BH1000 last night and after setting it up this afternoon, all I'm getting is white froth in the collection cup... which is filling up pretty quick. That is what I need help with. It is filling the collection cup pretty quick- full in about 1 hr.

Things I've done:

* Cut the intake tube to more towards the surface and skim the top water. the slits of the inlet guard is about 1/2" below the surface.

* Set the collection cup all the way up with a piece of bio sponge in the tube - slows the froth/water from collecting in the cup. The lower I set the cup the faster it fills up

I know there is a break in period before I start getting slime but I would like to have this figured out before night fall - Otherwise I will have to turn it off at night and while am at work.


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