vendredi 27 février 2015

Coralline Algae is good.....what about DEAD Coralline Algae???

So, I had to re-do my scape and install an LED retro on my BC29 and leaving the tank with only 2 inces of water for close to an hour resulted in all of my glorious Coralline algae that I was so proud of dying and turning white. I've cleaned it from everywhere but the back wall...It's still got a fairly good amount of white/dead coralline.

I'm wondering if this is bad, good or doesn't matter.

Also, I see that it's died on a few of the rocks...just little white spots of it. Not a ton. Is this anything to worry about?

Is there any way to get this to re-grow quickly?

Thanks to all!!!!

--I can provide pics if necessary. Thanks!!

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