jeudi 26 février 2015

Help with removing sand bed.

I am removing my sand bed because A.) I hate using a sand Vac so I dont. B.) switching to an SPS system so id like the nutrient control and ability to remove detris from the tank easier with BB. C.) I used to run BB and liked it better. D.) because of my lack of using a gravel vac over the last year and a half I started to get some PO4 issues as of the last few weeks and I am sure its due to the fact that the sand is now at its capasity.

Last night I did a 40g Water change on my 220g tank (270g system) I removed as much sand as I could. Its annoying because of the dead snail shells get stuck in the hose all the time...anyways my question are as follows

1.) How quickly can I remove the sand bed, was planning another 40g water change tonight to remove some more sand bed.

2.) How should I get the sand out from under the rocks? Should I just blow it out from under them with a Powerhead? I just dont want to stir up to much crud from under there if it would be harmful.

Removed a lot from the right side of the tank, the other half thats not in the picture is still sand.

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