mercredi 25 février 2015

Sun lit reef?

I have a spare 3.5 gallon tank that I kept as a holding tank for my evil pep shrimp. Well now that he's gone I'm wondering what to do with it. It has a led light on it but not one suitable to grow any kind of coral. I was wondering if you could get by with placeing it near or in front of a window and it get enough light to grow some types of coral that don't require much light. That may be a stupid Q, but hey, I'm just curious. I'd rather not buy a light since I'm saving up to buy a 125gal tank when we move. But I'd like to do something with it since it's kinda just there. It already had water in it with rock and sand. All cycled. I know with natural sunlight you get more algae but I don't think it would be that bad on that small of a tank. Thoughts?

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