mercredi 25 février 2015

Bacteria bloom?

So a few days ago the tank was looking nice so I figured the hell with it, and bought 3 frags of pulsing Xenia and the LFS gave me a chunk of GSP for free. It was very cheap, like 2 dollars a frag so I'm not really too concerned about it. But my issue is the day after I added it the tank got really foggy and its progressively getting foggier. The GSP hasn't opened up and the Xenia appears to be like ... Melting ? Again not too concerned but it'd be nice if I didn't kill another coral. The tank itself is about 3- a month old, with live sand and the live rock I got from my old tank. I had upgraded from a 20 gallon, using the same water and rock but the sand was different. I added in my clownfish and my scooter blenny and they've been doing alright. Is it possible the tank is cycling again? Or is that exactly what's happening lol. I didn't have a choice but to get a new tank because the old one had a leak and it had to be done but I am realllyyyyyyyy not Into making my fish suffer because that's just cruel. Here's a pic.

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