jeudi 4 décembre 2014

Help with a Red Slime Algae problem

I have a 75 gallon 6 month old reef tank with fish, inverts, and soft corals. We developed a Red Slime problem about 8 weeks ago. I treated with UltraLifes red slime product. It worked pretty well but the slime is creeping back. I don't want to treat it again because we lost a fish and it took a month for my corals to come back.

Since the treatment, I have changed to RO/DI water with the 3rd water change coming up next week (I do 25% every 3 weeks). I have also changed to the Red Sea phosphate and nitrate pro testing and use their NO3:PO4-X product to keep nitrates and phosphates down. My phosphates have been 0.4 ppm or less now for 3 weeks and the nitrates pretty much zero. We scrub the red slime twice a week.

I have an aquatic life 4 bulb T5 light with the white running 8 hours a day, the blue running 12 hours a day, and the moonlights 10 hours (when the others are off). No lights at all for 1 hour.

What else can I do???

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