mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Put new live rock from pet smart in brand new tank

I have a 45 gallon tank wich has been set up for about a week and a half by that I mean I put the salt water a heater a marineland c220 canister filter and a row of blue lights with air bubbles I also added beneficial bacteria I have a 65 gallon protein skimmer but decided not to use till my cycle starts anyways about 4 days ago I addded two bags of live sand I bought at petco it says no to rinse so I didn't and I also bought three medium sized pieces of live rock the guy from pet smart took them right out of there tank and sold them to me he told me several times I didn't need to cure them and that they would help kick start my cycle well since my tank already had water when I put the live rock and live sand in it it was cloudy for a few days but when it finally cleared up I noticed these weird things on my rock there mainly on the back part closest to the blue light but they look weird are they bad or good for my tank by the way still no cycle any ideas how to speed up process I'm a try to upload some picks so you can see what I'm talking about give me a sec

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