lundi 29 décembre 2014

Advice for a saltwater newb

So I've never had a saltwater tank in my life. I have quite a few questions so please bear with me. I'm going to start out small with a 10 gallon aquarium. I'm aware of the dangers of nano aquariums and realize how quickly they can go sour. I really want to start small before I go all out on a big tank with a lot of fish. I've read a lot of articles saying no filtration is needed on a tank so small as long as there is some source of airation and 10% weekly water changes. Because I'm just starting out, I'd figured a little extra help wouldn't hurt. Would it be ok to have a small protein skimmer? Second question is about live rock and sand curing. I've read that all lights should be off to prevent algae growth. What about the protein skimmer? Should I run it or leave it off also? And final question is about stocking such a small aquarium. I'd love to have an anemone or two, a couple sexy shrimp, 1 electric blue hermit crab, and a bumblebee snail for clean up. My bf REALLY wants at least 1 fish in the tank. Any suggestions? Would a green clown goby be ok in a 10 gallon aquarium? Would the mucos that gobies produce hurt any of the other inhabitants? Anyways, all advice and experience stories are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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