mardi 30 décembre 2014

Cycle Help

I decided to purchase a 29g Biocube on Saturday from a local saltwater store. They got me setup with everything I would need to start the tank (sand, salt, dry rock, heater, etc.) and told me to come back 1 to 2 days later after setting up the tank and having the appropriate saline levels (mine are currently at 1.025).

I came back yesterday and the same employee told me the live rock they were selling came from a large tank they had in the store for years and was very mature and that with that rock I could buy 2 clownfish and 10 hermit crabs that same day and that they would be ok through the tank's cycle.

I am new to saltwater tanks so I went with everything he told me. After doing A LOT of research I've found varying opinions that clown's will do ok through a tank's cycle while others say that no living thing should be in the tank during the cycle. The clownfish and the crabs have been in the tank for over 36hrs and are doing great but I'm concerned how they will do over the next 4 to 8 weeks as things cycle. What can I do to insure they will live and be healthy as the tank cycles now that they are already in the tank?

I purchased a protein skimmer (should be here tomorrow) and I read that it will help a lot. I've also read that doing 10% water changes once a week during the cycle will also help. Is there anything else I can do? Thanks!

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