mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Marine Ich; Options

I think my little Porc might have mild Marine Ich and I wanted to inquire about options I have to treat (or not). My tank is a 40 gallon tank with the following filtration : (all of these are Amazon links, I don't have 5 posts yet so I can't post direct links)




My filtration is really good and Ammonia and Nitrite are at 0 and holding steady there. There is currently a ~3 inch Porcupine Puffer, a ~2 inch Damsel, and a ~6 inch Snowflake Eel in the tank with dry live rock.

Here is my situation that is a bit different than most posts: I have a 125 gallon tank sitting next to it that I just setup and I am going to by cycling and moving these fish into once it is done (the 40 gallon tank will become the sump). I only plan on having these fish and maybe a couple more damsels in there with some live rock, no corals. Now my options.

Dose copper (Really don't want to do this one)

Give vitamins and garlic and hope he just shakes it off (easiest but doesn't really solve the problem)

Hyposalinity the 40 gallon tank while the other one cycles, which both should be done around the same time.

Wait for the 125 gallon to be done cycling, freshwater dip the fish, put them in the 125 gallon ( 40 > freshwater > 125), and leave the 40 gallon tank alone for 6 weeks then make it into a sump.

It is a very mild case, just a few spots on the fins, none on the body that I can see. Haven't seen him scratching, no gasping, eats like a champ and begs like a dog. Haven't noticed any spots on the other 2 fish.

Thanks for the help.

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