mardi 30 décembre 2014

Tank Crash What Can Be Saved

Hello everyone, long time looker now a joiner. Long story short went on vacation and some how the person who was supposed to add my distilled water to my top off some how grabbed a jug of water mixed with murphy's oil soap (for floor cleaning). They called saying the water looked cloudy about 12 hours before I arrived home, I figured it was just from needing cleaned after a week but nope. House reeked of the cleaner and my pair of clowns, a starfish and a few snails all bit the big one.

Clearly I was ticked.

Now moving forward...

I am going to just pitch the sand as I'm sure it is shot. I have quite a bit of live rock that had been hand selected over the years. Since this is a soap issue not a chemical or sickness type issue can I clean the rock and reuse although it will be simply rock in the end?

My idea was to wash it multiple times in the bathtub, then soak each piece in a bucket with water and vinegar, rinse with distilled water, then allow to fully dry for a week or 2 before reintroducing.

Also for the tank itself do i just rinse it bunch wipe it with vinegar and then rinse again?

Finally it was just a 20 gallon and my stand can hold up to 29 should I upgrade also? Finally for a basic setup what should I be using for filtering all I had before was a HOB, that did marginal at anything and allowed tons of creatures and algae to grow. Thanks sorry for the long post, just a bit down and want to get going in the right direction again.

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