dimanche 28 décembre 2014

Am I Crazy to Add Hermit Crabs?

So I am thinking about adding some hermit crabs to my tank. I only have 1 crab in my tank that hitch hiked on my rock but never comes out of the rock and have only seen him maybe once or twice in 8 months.

I have a few snails, maybe about 8-10. I also have a cleaner shrimp. I wanted to add some good cleaners to my tank and I also think my 4 year old son would like them as well.

I do have corals so my first question is will they bother my corals, fish or cleaner shrimp? If I do get them, how many would be a good start for a 29 gallon tank.

I used to have a emerald crab but he was bothering my corals so I got rid of him. Don't want issues like that again.

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