lundi 29 décembre 2014

New To Reef Tanks: Water Levels?

Hi all. I recently purchased a house and it came with what I believe is between a 50 and 60 gallon saltwater tank. I wasn't really given any instructions on how to care for it and the water levels seemed to be pretty low in the wet-dry area (the sump pump chamber eventually ran out of water a few days after I moved in).

It has live rock, anemone, fish, and many crustaceans.

I've been reading up on how to take care of the fish and the tank in general, but the one thing that I haven't quite figured out is how the water should be moving through the filtration system behind the tank.

It has four distinct chambers. The first chamber has the socks and is where the water arrives after being removed from the tank. The second chamber is filled with sand and a (potentially dead) plant. The third chamber just has a blue filter. The fourth tank contains a protein skimmer and a pump that returns water to the tank.

My girlfriend and I added some water to the wet-dry area (after adding a chemical to remove chlorine). We originally thought that the water is supposed to overflow each chamber, so we added enough to do that. I'm not so sure that is how it is supposed to be though. The last chamber is now almost empty while the first two chambers are full of water.

Basically, I'm not sure if I should add more water or if there is a blockage or something preventing the water in the 2nd (sand) chamber from flowing into the last chamber. I'm hoping someone with more experience than I could tell me how it typically works :) Thanks!

Here is what the tank looks like.

Here is the last chamber of the filtration system (protein skimmer & sump)

Here is a picture of all of the chambers:

Here is a closer picture of the 2nd chamber's wall to the blue filter:

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