mardi 30 décembre 2014

Baby lettuce Nudibranches


About three months ago I bought a lettuce Nudibranch which still seems to be doing well. Here it is:

I bought it because I noticed hair algae in my tank (Which is now rapidly spreading...) and he seems to be doing okay on it. Whilst picking up a knocked over frag about four weeks ago I noticed a few jelly-like spirals containing tiny white dots. Now I know that they were Nudibranch eggs.

Last week I started noticing babies in the tank, there's well over ten. Here's a few of them, sorry about the hair algae:

Some are larger than others which leads me to believe that they're munching away on the hair algae. I assumed that they would have to go through a free-swimming larval stage before settling down so I'm surprised at how far they've come.

Has anyone got any care tips for them, or should I leave them to their own devices? I'll probably give them to the LFS for credit once they get large enough.

Anyone else had this happen? :)

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