mardi 30 décembre 2014

wanted to say hello

Hi all,

Just wanted to say hello

I grew up with a fish tank in my home since as long as I can remember, mostly fresh water. I do remember my dad having a saltwater when I was a kid in Okinawa. He used to actually swim out and catch some fish on the reef there (I know bad, but forgive me I was 7).

I have had a 90 gallon tank for about 4 years now. I researched a lot of stuff before I even bought my setup. Well I guess you all know that there is a lot of good and bad info out there.

I had 2 acan LED lights on my tank the whole 4 years but they always bleached my rock, never could get coralline to grow on them. I just recently changed my lights to old school T5-HO. like 2 weeks ago. Hmmm... go figure got coralline starting to grow now. I also run a fuge for filtration but I seem to have the plants die of as well. I have a plant light over them and it is fluorescent. My levels always seem to be on par though but I can never get corals to take hold in the tank, even the easy ones like shrooms.

I am so open to any thoughts, my LFS doesn't really seem to give me good input.

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