mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Mystery shrimp death?

We have a little bit of a mystery with the death of our fire shrimp and am throwing it out there to see if anyone has some insight. We have a 29g biocube that has been cycled for a month with live rock/live sand.

Our shrimp has been in our cycled tank for about two weeks, perfectly healthy, and molted about a week ago. Our water parameters have been testing great - with no changes. All 0s with a salinity of 1.023. Water temp at 80. We have 1 small clown fish, 1 hermit crab, and 7 snails. All healthy.

The only new changes that have happened within the last week is that we changed our filter (the charcoal one in the biocube) - but added Prime when we did so, and added some empty hermit crab shells to the tank. (The empty shells were all natural - some from a beach in Florida which we had collected and had been bleached clean and then out of the water for at least 6 years; and two other shells purchased as a package of empty shells for hermit crabs.) I rinsed all shells in fresh water prior to placing them into the tank, and also added Prime just in case.

The cleaner shrimp died two days after adding the shells. Could adding the shells have killed the shrimp, but not anything else?? The water is still testing perfectly and looks crystal clear. None of the other animals look sick at all. We're so bummed and flummoxed, but also don't want to introduce anything else into the tank until we figure out why the shrimp died.

Any thoughts?

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